Sunday, November 06, 2005


Wow. I have never read Proverbs in one sitting before. There is quite a few themes throughout it 31 chapters that I had not noticed before, mainly because I read it in portions.

What did I learn? Solomon was really smart and really wise. True wisdom starts with respecting and honouring God. Humility good, pride bad. Don't talk too much or be too opinionated. Listen a lot. Accept, even invite, correction, instruction and opportunities to learn. Be fair and just. Look out for the poor, widows, helpless and homeless. Watch what you think. Getting rich quick is bad. Don't seek after money. Don't say (or think) "I'm all that!" Be content. A good wife is a gift from God; a bad wife, not so much - I have a great wife! Be honest. Don't be a fool (see ch. 26). Be patient and gentle. Don't gossip. Pride bad (yes, I know I said that already, but it's really bad!). Seek after wisdom.

I highlighted something on pretty much every page of this book, short of just highlighting everything. Of course, as I started, I was judging other people I know by the measure Solomon was writing about. As I got further into it, I realized again I need to be judging myself by these standards and dealing with my own shortcomings. I can try to instruct or correct others, but they must have a heart-change in order to receive it. Besides, according to Proverbs, it's better to listen than to speak. If I work at that (I tend to talk a lot), then maybe I can grow and help others grow at the same time.

I think the secret to a happy life is contained within this book.

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