Thursday, May 25, 2006


I don't think I ever noticed before that Paul's letter to the Galations was in a lot of ways a defense of himself. It seems someone had accused him of preaching a false gospel, or something of the sort, and he was explaining to them how he was called by Jesus and was preaching the message that Jesus himself gave him.

That said, it is a lot like Romans, in that Paul concentrates on comparing to living under the law and living by faith in Christ through the power of the Spirit. It seems some people were saying that the church should be circumcised, but Paul tells them that if they obey that one piece, then they must obey it all. Jesus came to fulfill the law and allow us to live by faith in him, and not by obedience to the law.

Then, faith in Christ results in a life that is pleasing to God. "God's Spirit makes us loving, happy, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled (5:22-23). If we live by faith in Christ through the power of his Spirit, then this is the result - Christ has shown us a way to live other than in bondage to the Law.

Paul also talks about the importance of giving to the poor (2:10), which has been a recurring them for me. And talks about people comparing themselves to others and boasting about their accomplishments. He noted that faith in Christ makes everyone equal (3:20) and that we should focus on helping others and loving each other.

This is a teaching letter, so the lessons are straightforward. I still get frustrated by us as a church. The tendency of the church today is the same as the Galation church - we like to compare ourselves to others and talk about an economy of worthiness. Some people consider themselves better than others because they dress nicer for church, say or don't say certain things, pray one hour every morning or read the Bible through every month. The world's value system still exists in the church. Why is it that we cannot embrace what it means to be free and equal because of faith in Christ?

I really don't know the answer, except that I'm trying daily to live a life that is pleasing to God. I'm sure I regularly disappoint or offend others, but when it's all said and done, I only want to please one person, and let Him take care of the rest.

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